β-Alanine VS β-Ecdysterone

β-Alanine VS β-Ecdysterone

Many people choose to take various fitness supplements to achieve good exercise. Some people believe that muscles might organically increase after consuming fitness supplements. Contrarily, some individuals have reservations regarding fitness supplements. And they believe that taking workout supplements will compromise their health. These two competing viewpoints are false when it comes to muscle building. Appropriate supplementation of fitness supplements is beneficial for training, but let’s not treat them as a panacea, it only plays an auxiliary role in the fitness process. This article will talk about two fitness-related supplements: β-Alanine VS β-Ecdysterone.

What is β-Alanine?

In organisms, beta-Alanine is not involved in the synthesis of proteins or enzymes, but is an important component of spontaneously generated carnosine and vitamin B5, which can be produced by the degradation of dihydrouracil and carnosine. In nature, β-Alanine also exists in the root nodules of leguminous plants and tea hydrolyzates. In recent years, with the continuous growth of the muscle building market, the role of β-Alanine in muscle building has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. In North America, the European Union and other regions, β-Alanine has become the main ingredient of muscle building.

Beta-Alanine for muscle building

In fact, β-Alanine is not directly related to muscle growth, but is involved as a cofactor. β-Alanine is actually an important raw material for the body’s own synthesis of carnosine. The human body will produce more acidic substances during exercise, thereby reducing the pH of the muscles and causing the muscles to feel fatigued.

Carnosine is an anti-fatigue “buffer”, which can increase the concentration of carnosine, reduce the level of acidic substances, improve the explosive power and endurance of muscles, enhance the effect of exercise, and then play a role in muscle building.

Its transmission pathway: β-Alanine → Increase in carnosine → Increase in muscle anaerobic endurance → More tolerance training → Muscle growth.

Beta-Alanine side effects

In 2016, the European Union issued Regulation 2016/371 stating that beta-Alanine can only improve exercise performance during short enough high-intensity workouts. In addition, user feedback also includes the discomfort caused by beta-Alanine. When taking beta-Alanine, the skin may experience a slight tingling, itching, and skin redness. Some suppliers claim that beta-Alanine is a harmless body reaction, but this has not been scientifically proven.

What is β-Ecdysterone?

Compared with β-Alanine VS β-Ecdysterone, Ecdysterone is a naturally occurring steroid that acts on the human body to promote collagen synthesis, anti-arrhythmia, and anti-fatigue. It is used as a raw material for sports health care products and can increase protein synthesis and adjust positive nitrogen balance; increase muscle mass and also reduces body fat, and increases staying power, endurance, and energy. It is used in folk for rheumatoid arthritis, and it has a good curative effect in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis patients with different symptoms. The active ingredient 20-hydroxy ecdysterone has also been proved to have a direct hypoglycemic effect on clinical research, and has good effect on typeⅡdiabetes.

Ecdysterone has a significant effect on muscle building, primarily by increasing the ability of amino acids to assemble into protein chains, thereby stimulating protein synthesis in the muscle cytoplasm, and this ability is traced back to the translation and migration processes of protein growth. Ecdysterone is not only healthy and safe, it helps stabilize cells when cortisol damages, normalizes energy synthesis steps (ATP and sarcosine), and improves liver function so that the organism can quickly adapt to changes in the environment and stress.

Taking β-Ecdysterone can increase muscle mass while reducing body fat, and increasing stamina, endurance, and energy. Compared with taking a placebo, the experimental group showed less fatigue, greater motivation, faster speed, and increased strength. Studies have shown that β-Ecdysterone has no side effects, no hormonal interactions, and very low levels of toxicity. Moreover, in a number of endocrine tests of human hormones, there is no report on the effect of ecdysterone on the mammalian hormonal system.

The above is about β-Alanine VS β-Ecdysterone, Each fitness supplement has its own function and effect. People can choose according to their own needs, or they can ask professional fitness trainers how to take fitness supplements scientifically and reasonably. KS Nutripharma manufactures health supplement raw materials derived from natural ingredients all year round, and we have sufficient stocks in the United States. If you are interested in our Cyanotis Arachnoidea extract Ecdysterone, please contact us!

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